Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Owl in the Big Bath

 I finally saw a Great Horned Owl in the king-sized bird bath. The photos are grainy because it was just getting light out. I was shooting at ISO 1600, for you camera buffs.


  1. wonderful shots! isn't it amazing how small the owl makes the bath look? I only know how huge it is from seeing smaller birds in it.

    1. It sure does, especially the third shot with the wings out. And that bird bath holds 7 gallons of water!

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous owl! I hope you get some owlets in a few months. :D

    1. That would be cool! When they leave they almost always fly off to the left so I need to take a walk in that direction and look for a nest.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I guess this is Department of DUH but my above comment was - do it at dusk and listen for hooting. I find owls are much easier to hear than to see if they aren't flying.

    4. Yes, even as big as they are, Great horned owls can be very difficult to spot when they're sitting in a tree. I was just planning to look for a large nest. But since it's right outside my back door, there's no reason I can't take a walk in the middle of the day and at dusk. You're right though, I hear them hooting back and forth at least as often as I see them (there are two but only one has come to the big owl bath so far).

  3. Cool pics! Owls are one of those birds that you rarely get to see. The bird bath is a hit!

    1. I'm still amazed every time I see an owl out there!
