Friday, February 26, 2021

Doves take a bath

Three species of doves are regular visitors; Eurasian Collared-Doves, Mourning Doves and White-winged Doves. Unlike most other species they almost never take a bath. Recently a pair of Eurasian Collared-Doves were actually splashing around in there and I managed to get a few photos:

                                             "Do I need to put on deodorant after that bath?"
                                             "You definitely need to put on deodorant."

                                         "You didn't have to put it that way! I'm leaving."

                                 "I finally have this thing all to myself. Aaahh..."


  1. Haha! That ‘deodorant’ conversation though! They will be shy once they learned they’re being watched, taken pictures with, so much more, posted online! Ugh! I bet deep inside they’re proud to be famous by Mr. Don Bice!
    More beautiful birds sharing please! 🥳🥰

    1. Thanks, Nelfa! I don't think they know about my blog so they'll never know how "famous" they are!

  2. doves are so elegant looking; wonderful shots, as always

  3. Ugh! I thought they knew. 🤷‍♀️😏 I might as well talk to them or send them a text! 😂
    Honestly, you have very steady hands grip and good eyes capturing their every move. Enjoyable to view the pics! How about video them? Just a thought! 😉😏

    1. Thanks again, Nelfa. I never thought about video. I'll have to see if that's an option on this blog.

  4. Wow, they looked like pretty good friends until one of them realized there was a bad smell in the bathtub!

    1. It seems like a no-brainer since they're doves, but one of them should have brought a bar of Dove beauty soap.

    2. that's so bad I wish I'd said it. ;-)
