Saturday, January 16, 2021

Birds in the owl bath

 Several people have suggested that I get a large owl-sized bird bath since they barely fit in the standard-sized one. So that's what I did. It's actually a cheap Walmart fire pit. A variety of birds have stopped in for a drink, but no owls or hawks yet. The first photo shows two bird baths for size comparison:

          The first visitor was a White-crowned Sparrow, less than an hour after I put it out

                                                      White-winged Dove

                                                     Lesser Goldfinch

                                                            American Robin

                                                       Dark-eyed Junco


  1. I wonder what might come and drink water besides birds? at night, especially.

    1. I ordered a motion-activated infra-red camera today, to answer that very question! It was only $40. If I get any good photos I'll be sure to post them.
