Tuesday, January 26, 2021

More Cooper's hawk photos

                                                 After a recent snowfall

                                                       From last fall

                 "Waiter, there's a fly in my soup."        "That's your talon, sir."

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Birds in the owl bath

 Several people have suggested that I get a large owl-sized bird bath since they barely fit in the standard-sized one. So that's what I did. It's actually a cheap Walmart fire pit. A variety of birds have stopped in for a drink, but no owls or hawks yet. The first photo shows two bird baths for size comparison:

          The first visitor was a White-crowned Sparrow, less than an hour after I put it out

                                                      White-winged Dove

                                                     Lesser Goldfinch

                                                            American Robin

                                                       Dark-eyed Junco

Thursday, January 14, 2021

More owl photos


               I found some more pictures showing two owls, from last summer

Friday, January 1, 2021


 A male House Finch flies over and spots a couple of females at the bird bath, sharing a drink with their friend Ms. Common Yellowthroat

                        Our intrepid hero pulls a quick U-turn for a second approach

          He puts on the brakes by catching air with his tail feathers. His wings are mostly tucked in. 

                    His wings begin to extend; he's about six inches from the rim. 

                           Wings are flared for a perfect landing. Tail feathers are relaxed. 

                                                                "Wassup, ladies?"