Sunday, December 27, 2020

Other species


          Female Common Yellowthroat                      Female House Finch                                                                 

                      Eurasian Collared Dove                                               Curve-billed Thrasher

                   Eurasian Collared Dove                                 Female House Finches

Common Raven


  1. I love them all but especially the crow. All of my crows and jays came back after our smoke season when they disappeared. I scold them almost every day for that, but they don't seem too concerned as long as the food keeps coming!

    1. Thanks Monika! That's actually a raven, not a crow. The birdbath is 15" across for a sense of scale. Of course, you couldn't have known that! A couple of other indicators are the thicker, heavier bill and the thick shaggy neck feathers. I should go back and identify the birds, all I said was "other species."

    2. I should've considered the possibility/recognized that being a raven. I've had several conversations with my neighbor regarding whether we have crows or ravens. I've finally convinced him they're crows after a number of links to pictures.

  2. As I was looking at the pictures, I was wondering how you could name so all of those birds! I knew you were smart, but I'll have to admit that you are smarter then I am! Durn-burn it, please keep putting names of the birds on the pictures, maybe it will help me learn more!

  3. Thanks, but to be honest when I see a bird I don't recognize I just call Ted!
