Friday, November 27, 2020


 Some Red-shafted flickers came back in the fall after spending the summer in the much cooler mountains

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His tongue is visible in this one 



A Yellow-shafted flicker made a couple of appearances in September- a bit unusual around here


  1. More great photos. I'm amazed that you can get such good results shooting from indoors through a window and doing it hand-held (though it does remind me that I should clean my windows).

  2. very nice photos. I used to have flickers in my yard in Carson City year round and really enjoyed them. Now I know what their tongue looks like!

  3. Thanks, Jackie. For some reason the flickers don't get down in there and splash around. I think they're the only species I've seen so far that doesn't actually bathe in the bird bath. They're here pretty much every day, though!

  4. Every one of these pictures are beautiful, but the pictures where they're in flight are all completely "WOW!!!"

  5. Thanks, I like the in flight photos too! I'll be posting more soon- some of the other species that have visited my bird bath.
