Monday, November 23, 2020

Owls in the Bird Bath

There are actually three owls that come to the bird bath. I've only seen all three on two occasions. My brother believes they are siblings who were kicked out of the nest in late July.

The owl barely fits in the bird bath

I usually have to refill the bird bath after Archimedes is finished

 One morning just as it was getting light I saw an owl at the bird bath so I grabbed my camera. As I was shooting, a second owl flew up and landed, resulting in this sequence:


  1. Pretty cool pictures. You need a bigger birdbath.

  2. So proud of you Rock. More gorgeous pictures please! 🥳🥰

  3. So proud of you Rock. Thank you for sharing all these gorgeous pictures.

  4. Very cool, it'll be nice seeing the additional photos that you'll be adding in the future.

  5. oh yeah, the early morning one with the second owl gliding in is great!

  6. wonderful photos! how do you get the action shots so in focus?
    please feel free to share other kinds of birds, too.

  7. Thanks, Jackie. As long as the owl stays on the bird bath, I've got the focus pretty well dialed in. If it flies away to the left or right it will stay in focus since it's the same distance from the lens. If it flies directly away from me it goes out of focus pretty quick.

    The other thing is to use high shutter speeds, like 1/1000 or 1/2000 of a second, which will capture the action without any blurring, even if the bird is beating its wings. I need a lot of light to shoot at speeds that high so it usually only works in direct sunlight.
