Friday, November 27, 2020


 Some Red-shafted flickers came back in the fall after spending the summer in the much cooler mountains

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His tongue is visible in this one 



A Yellow-shafted flicker made a couple of appearances in September- a bit unusual around here

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 My bird bath is open to all species, no restrictions. An immature Cooper's hawk is a regular visitor

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A Sharp-shinned hawk is an occasional visitor


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

More owls

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I have very few photos that show two owls

I caught one of the owls hopping from one bird bath to another and got this sequence:

Monday, November 23, 2020

Owls in the Bird Bath

There are actually three owls that come to the bird bath. I've only seen all three on two occasions. My brother believes they are siblings who were kicked out of the nest in late July.

The owl barely fits in the bird bath

I usually have to refill the bird bath after Archimedes is finished

 One morning just as it was getting light I saw an owl at the bird bath so I grabbed my camera. As I was shooting, a second owl flew up and landed, resulting in this sequence: