Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Owls Mating at the Bird Bath

 Recently the owls visited the bird bath and began mating. I felt a bit like a voyeur, but in the interest of science I took some pictures. If you're not into owl porn you may wish to skip these, although there's nothing too graphic- they are birds, after all. Everything is covered in feathers.

                                "Oh, sweet mystery of life at last I've found you" 

                                                    "Wait, where are you going?"

                                                 "Men, they're all the same"

                                                                                                         "Now what?"

                "I was thinking about Round 2 but I'm on the fence about it"

                                                              "I need a drink"

Friday, March 4, 2022

More Raven Photos

 A raven visited the bird bath recently: 

                               There's a drop of water visible on its beak in this one:

Later the same day a raven made another visit. I can't be certain it was the same bird but it behaved similarly, hopping back and forth between the ground and the bird baths: