Monday, February 28, 2022

The Owl Returns

 Two days ago, in the evening, an owl visited the bird bath. I hadn't seen one in my yard in a couple of months. I was still seeing them in the open space beyond my fence and in the neighbor's tree but not in my yard.

They did the same thing last winter, then in early spring they started coming to the bird bath again so it seems to be a pattern. This time the owl didn't take a bath but it did hang around for almost 30 minutes.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Cooper's Hawk part 2

 After getting a drink and scratching an itch the hawk decided to move over to the Big Bird Bath:

                                Check out the shadow on the rock in the lower left corner

                                                  A closeup from the last photo

Friday, February 11, 2022

Cooper's Hawk part 1

 The Cooper's hawk paid a visit today for the first time in quite a while. It hung around for at least 45 minutes and I got a lot of photos. This is the first batch.

                                                         "My chin itches."

                                                        "My chin still itches."

                                                        "My chin STILL itches!"

                                                           "I'll get it..."

                                                   "Oh yeah, that's the spot"

                                                        "Man, that felt good"