Saturday, June 5, 2021

Hummingbird at the bird bath

Yesterday I was sitting on my patio when a female Black-chinned hummingbird came to my bird bath to get a drink. I have hummingbird feeders so I see them all the time, but this is the first time one of them came to the bird bath. Fortunately I had my camera nearby and got some photos:


  1. I looked at some youtube videos of hummers at fountains, birdbaths and various water features built for their use and one of them said they rare drink at a birdbath since they get all the fluid they need from the nectar they eat. guess she didn't get the memo!

  2. maybe it's different in the desert? wonderful shots, as always!

    1. It's something I've never seen before but I've only had a birdbath for about a year and a half. My brother has had one for years and he said he's only seen it happen a couple of times.
