Friday, June 28, 2024

The Latest Hawk Visit

 From 6-26-24. The hawk looks like it's winking at the camera in the third photo.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Female Bullock's Oriole

 A recent visitor to the bird bath. The one with the red coloration is a male House Finch. He seems to get a little aggressive in #5 and #6 but the Oriole doesn't care. She's saying "Yeah, whatever. I'm a lot bigger than you."

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hawks and Squirrels

 Yesterday an adult Cooper's Hawk was at the bird bath when a squirrel came scampering across the yard to get a drink. The hawk tried to scare it off by spreading its wings and hopping around a little bit, causing the squirrel to go to the smaller bird bath. 

The squirrel is in the lower right corner 

                    After the squirrel got its drink and left, the hawk decided to take a bath

                                                      On your mark... Get set...


Monday, April 29, 2024

Hawks and Doves

 A few days ago an immature Cooper's Hawk was at the birdbath when a White-winged Dove attempted to chase it off. At first the hawk hunkered down in a defensive position but then it went on the offense and got a talon full of feathers as the dove flew away. 

The clump of feathers is still visible on the talons in this photo.

This morning a pair of Curve-billed Thrashers visited the birdbath. One of them stuck around long enough to take a bath.

Thursday, April 4, 2024



A pair of roadrunners came through the yard recently, this is the only photo I got with both of them

Gambel's Quail

Black-headed Grosbeak


Great Horned Owls